Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Common Causes of Slip and Falls in the Workplace

When you think of a workplace injury, you may think of accidents involving large machinery, motor vehicles, power tools, or other dangerous equipment. However, one of the most common workplace accidents can happen in the absence of any type of equipment and often occurs in office buildings—the slip and fall. There are many potential causes of a slip and fall accident at work, including the following:

·         Liquid spills that are not cleaned up in a timely manner
·         Objects or obstacles in halls or walkways
·         Cords that are not properly secured to the walls
·         Uneven or slippery flooring
·         Worn or torn carpets
·         Overcrowding in work spaces
·         Failure to warn employees of wet floors or other potential obstacles

Though slipping and falling may not seem very serious, victims can sustain serious injuries that can have a huge effect on their lives and can compromise their ability to return to work for some time. These injuries can include:

·         Muscle tears, strains and sprains1
·         Concussions and other types of traumatic brain injury (TBI)
·         Neck or back injury
·         Spinal cord injury (SCI)2
·         Contusions
·         Lacerations
·         Dislocated joints
·         Fractured bones

If you believe you may have sustained any of these injuries, you should seek medical care for stabilization and treatment recommendations. Additionally, you may have to miss work or change job duties if your job requires any physically strenuous activities.

Contact an experienced Delaware workers' compensation attorney for help today

Though most people may not consider a slip and fall accident to be serious, this type of accident can cause many different types of serious injuries that can require medical treatment and time off from work to heal. In such situations your employer's workers' compensation insurer should provide all of the benefits to which you are entitled under Delaware law. At the law office of Zavodnick, Zavodnick &  Lasky, LLC, we have extensive experience helping injured workers obtain the benefits for lost income and medical care that they deserve. Please call today at 302-364-6047 to discuss your case today.